Pourquoi les compagnies aériennes vont-elles vous sélectionner ?
We are currently experiencing a very good time for hiring pilots. The need for pilot recruitment worldwide is 550,000 pilots for the next 20 years. This phenomenon is mainly explained by three factors.
First, the arrival of low-cost companies in Europe democratizes the way of travel and allows many people to travel at a very attractive price.
Then we see an increase in air traffic in booming continents like Africa and Asia. And finally, there is the replacement of captains who are retiring who only increase the need for pilot recruitment.
Even if the future of pilots seems very promising, should we still ensure to meet the requirements of companies to get a job.
The young European pilots all have the same EASA license legally speaking. A priori nothing distinguishes them. However, companies are particularly interested in having immediately operational pilots and this is where the differences appear. This last element is the differences appear. The latter is purely a question of the quality of the training.
The pilot's job is carried out in English and a very good knowledge of this language is essential. It therefore seems essential that the training be in English in order to become familiar with the language of aviation from the start.
A recent European study published byEASA shows that airlines The MCQ examination system at the end of their theoretical training encourages cramming instead of in-depth knowledge of the subject. However, during the recruitment tests, the difference between the candidates is felt on the knowledge acquired during the training and the ability to reproduce the theoretical understanding.

Furthermore, candidates who have worked in a complex and international airspace during their training have a significant advantage for their future airline. This experience is an undeniable asset in terms of time saving.
The role of the instructor and his ability to transmit his expertise in a situation is crucial in the training. The quality of the teaching will allow the future pilot to progress serenely and to acquire a good aeronautical sense coupled with good professional qualities.
It is important to note that aeronautical technologies are evolving rapidly and therefore training issues for companies are becoming a priority. This is why it is desirable to have instructors who are always active or in contact with companies.
Training that meets the current needs of airlines will offer pilots very promising future and the prospect of a good career.
« Avoir son bureau dans le ciel n’est plus un rêve mais une réalité. »